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Sleep Apnea Therapy – Oshkosh, WI

Take Back Your Night’s
Sleep for Good


When you’re not able to get a proper night’s sleep, you put yourself at risk for much more than simply constant fatigue throughout your day. Chronic conditions like sleep apnea only result in a higher risk of other medical conditions that you’ll want to avoid, especially if you are older. Thankfully, Dr. Heil has multiple solutions to target your untreated sleep apnea directly with sleep apnea therapy in Oshkosh, WI. If you’re unsure if sleep apnea is affecting your day-to-day, don’t wait to call Oshkosh Complete Dentistry to set up your next at-home sleep test!

Why Choose Oshkosh Complete Dentistry for Sleep Apnea Therapy?

  • Partners with Area’s Top Sleep Physicians
  • Oral Appliances Made from Digital Impressions
  • SomnoDent, TAP, and Herbst Appliances

What is Sleep Apnea?

Woman in need of sleep apnea therapy waking feeling tired

Sleep apnea is a chronic sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans every single day. While there are two types of sleep apnea (including obstructive sleep apnea or OSA and central sleep apnea or CSA), OSA is far more common. When blockages exist in the mouth, typically involving the tongue, soft palate, or other oral tissue, it disrupts airflow necessary during sleep. This triggers an apnea, which forces the patient awake in order to kickstart breathing.

Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Exhausted man yawning and drinking coffee while driving

While chronic fatigue is one of the clearest symptoms and dangers of untreated sleep apnea, it’s far from the only concern for Dr. Heil. Not only can it feel extremely difficult or even impossible to remain productive throughout the day, but you put yourself at higher risk of other debilitating conditions, especially if you are older. For example, those with sleep apnea tend to have a weakened immune system and higher risks for heart disease and stroke.

Excessive Snoring

Frustrated woman covering her ears next to snoring man

Many people ask if excessive snoring means they have sleep apnea. While loud or excessive snoring is a common symptom of sleep apnea, it is not enough to confirm a diagnosis. However, if you or a partner does snore quite loudly throughout the night, it’s important that they see Dr. Heil in the near future for closer examination. Not only can he help you set up an at-home sleep test, but he can discuss potential treatments via oral appliance therapy if needed.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Man placing sleep apnea oral appliance

While there are multiple treatment options available for sleep apnea, Dr. Heil offers oral appliance therapy right here in his dental office. These custom-made devices are designed to fit inside the mouth comfortably and reposition the jaw, removing the blockage inside the mouth and allowing proper airflow to occur while you sleep. In some cases, patients experience an improvement in their sleep quality right away. Others who may be using a positive airway pressure machine may find it easier to do so while using an oral appliance at the same time.

Partnered with Sleep Physicians

Man with C P A P nose mask in place sleeping

Dr. Heil understands how important it is for patients to receive comprehensive treatment for complex disorders like sleep apnea, which is precisely why he partners with some of the leading sleep physicians in Oshkosh to help you address it directly. This may include the completion of sleep tests, either in a dental office or in your own home. Partnering with sleep experts ensures that you’re getting the fully personalized care you need to take back your night’s sleep.